Advancy incorporates Brazilian partner Valuepoint

21 August 2015

French strategy and management consultancy Advancy has incorporated its Brazilian partner Valuepoint and its 35 staff into the Advancy network of consultants.

France-based consulting firm Advancy employs 150 experts in seven offices across five continents, serving clients in three main areas: Strategy, Operational Effectiveness and Organisation. Earlier this year, French graduate students named the company the most prestigious strategy consulting firm with a French origin, and the fifth-most prestigious in France.

Based in São Paulo, Valuepoint was created through the 2009 merger of three firms which had been operating in Brazil and South America since 1998. The consulting firm works across most major sectors, with a particular focus on the industry segments of Metals & Mining, Energy & Utilities, Chemicals, Engineering, Health & Cosmetics and Consumer Goods. In 2012, Advancy expanded into Latin America via an alliance with Valuepoint and, in 2014, was renamed Valuepoint Advancy. 

Valuepoint and Advancy

Following the successful completion of this transition period, the firm decided to completely merge into Advancy last month. “From July 1st 2015, Valuepoint has adopted the global Advancy brand in all its businesses and interactions with clients and partners,” announced Valuepoint on its website. The senior partners of Valuepoint Brazil include Enzo Correa (alumnus of Arthur D. Little and PwC) and Guilherme Junqueira (alumnus of Roland Berger and PwC).

Advancy has a goal of further global expansion. It recently acquired Value Line, a consulting firm in Australia with an annual turnover of US $8 million and 20 advisors. Looking towards the future, the firm has its eyes set on US and British markets as the next key strategic step. In a recent interview with French management publication ‘Les Éditions du Management’, Advancy co-founder Patrick Pudduy admitted that the firm was looking into establishing a presence in Boston and Chicago, initially through an alliance with an existing consultancy.

Advancy works with a network of partners globally, in Argentina, Dubai, India, Japan, Morocco, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea and Ukraine. The firm was founded by former A.T. Kearney (Eric de Bettignies and Laurence-Anne Parent) and Roland Berger (Patrick Pudduy) advisors.

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